Hamilton, Amarillo, Detroit, Spaceships & Hip-Hop: The Best of ToM in 2016

今年は 良いこと多い年に成って頂きたいものです。

Tropics of Meta

ToM 2016 year in review.png

Guys, we don’t mean to brag but… we do. There has been some great stuff on ToM this year.  Not that that’s anything new, but in 2016 a wide range of contributors generously shared their work with us on a remarkable number of subjects, from architecture to music to politics, both tragic (the Orlando shooting, the election) and inspiring (struggles for social justice).  Looking back, we’ve picked out a number of favorite posts for readers to revisit–and we’re excited to see what 2017 brings. Even if this year has been an unending parade of horribles, the best we can do is to keep reading, thinking, writing and informing each other.


Ryan Reft, The Sound of Motor City: Ruin Porn, Popular Memory, and Protomartyr’s Vision of 21st Century Detroit, January 4, 2016

RR looks at the history and contemporary musical sound of Detroit, the ruin-porn tourist destination and beloved underdog…

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